Seema Negi, Athul Arun, Sajan Kapil, Prathamesh Joshi, Manivannan, R., K.P. Karunakaran and Parag Bhargava (2020), “Review on Electron Beam Based Additive Manufacturing”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, RPJ-07-2019-0182.R1 (now appearing online; soon in print)

Negi, S., Kapil, S., Sharma, A., Choudhary, P., Bhargava, P., & Karunakaran, K. P., 2020, “Retrofitment of Laser Cladding System with CNC Machine for Hybrid Layer Manufacturing”, In Advances in Additive Manufacturing and Joining, Vol. 14 (3), pp. 47-59, Springer, Singapore.

Patil Yogesh, Patil Richa, N. S. Chandrashekhar and K. P. Karunakaran, 2020 “Layer Separation Mechanisms in DLP 3D Printing”, Advances in Additive Manufacturing and Joining. In: Shunmugam M., Kanthababu M. (eds) Advances in Additive Manufacturing and Joining. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering. Springer, Singapore, pp. 179-187.